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Displaying records 1-59 of 59 Page of 1
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Aplectrum hyemale Adam And Eve; Putty Root Orchidaceae Aplectrum
Accepted Name Bletilla striata Urn Orchid Orchidaceae Bletilla
Accepted Name Calopogon oklahomensis Oklahoma Grasspink Orchidaceae Calopogon
Accepted Name Calopogon tuberosus   Orchidaceae Calopogon
Accepted Name Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus Tuberous Grasspink Orchidaceae Calopogon
Accepted Name Cleistesiopsis bifaria Dragonhead Pogonia; Small Spreading Pogonia Orchidaceae Cleistesiopsis
Accepted Name Corallorhiza maculata Summer Coralroot Orchidaceae Corallorhiza
Accepted Name Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata Summer Coralroot Orchidaceae Corallorhiza
Accepted Name Corallorhiza odontorhiza Autumn Coralroot Orchidaceae Corallorhiza
Accepted Name Corallorhiza wisteriana Spring Coralroot Orchidaceae Corallorhiza
Accepted Name Cypripedium acaule Moccasin Flower Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Cypripedium candidum White Ladys Slipper Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Cypripedium kentuckiense Kentucky Ladys Slipper Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum Lesser Yellow Ladys Slipper Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens Greater Yellow Ladys Slipper Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Cypripedium reginae Showy Ladys Slipper Orchidaceae Cypripedium
Accepted Name Dactylorhiza viridis Longbract Frog Orchid; Frog Orchid; Green Orchid Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza
Accepted Name Epipactis helleborine Broadleaf Helleborine Orchidaceae Epipactis
Accepted Name Galearis spectabilis Showy Orchid Orchidaceae Galearis
Accepted Name Goodyera pubescens Downy Rattlesnake Plantain Orchidaceae Goodyera
Accepted Name Goodyera repens Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain Orchidaceae Goodyera
Accepted Name Hexalectris spicata Spiked Crested Coralroot Orchidaceae Hexalectris
Accepted Name Isotria medeoloides Small Whorled Pogonia Orchidaceae Isotria
Accepted Name Isotria verticillata Large Whorled Pogonia Orchidaceae Isotria
Accepted Name Liparis liliifolia Brown Widelip Orchid Orchidaceae Liparis
Accepted Name Liparis loeselii Yellow Widelip Orchid Orchidaceae Liparis
Accepted Name Listera australis Southern Twayblade Orchidaceae Listera
Accepted Name Listera smallii Kidneyleaf Twayblade Orchidaceae Listera
Accepted Name Malaxis unifolia Green Adders Mouth Orchid Orchidaceae Malaxis
Accepted Name Platanthera ciliaris Yellow Fringed Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera clavellata Small Green Wood Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera cristata Crested Yellow Orchid; Crested Orange Bog Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera flava Palegreen Orchid; Northern Tuberculed Bog Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera grandiflora Greater Purple Fringed Bog Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera herbiola Pale Green Bog Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera integra Yellow Fringeless Orchid; Golden Frog Arrow Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera integrilabia White Fringeless Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera lacera Green Fringed Orchid; Ragged Fringed Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera nivea Snowy Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera orbiculata Lesser Roundleaved Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera peramoena Purple Fringeless Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Platanthera psycodes Lesser Purple Fringed Bog Orchid Orchidaceae Platanthera
Accepted Name Pogonia ophioglossoides Snakemouth Orchid Orchidaceae Pogonia
Accepted Name Ponthieva racemosa Hairy Shadow Witch Orchidaceae Ponthieva
Accepted Name Spiranthes cernua Nodding Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera   Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis Northern Slender Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera var. lacera Northern Slender Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes lucida Shining Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes magnicamporum Great Plains Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes ochroleuca Yellow Nodding Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes odorata Marsh Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes ovalis   Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes ovalis var. erostellata October Ladys Tresses; Lesser Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes tuberosa Little Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Spiranthes vernalis Spring Ladys Tresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes
Accepted Name Tipularia discolor Cranefly Orchid; Crippled Cranefly Orchidaceae Tipularia
Accepted Name Triphora trianthophoros   Orchidaceae Triphora
Accepted Name Triphora trianthophoros var. trianthophoros Threebirds; Three Birds Orchid Orchidaceae Triphora
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