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Plant species within the SMILAX genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our SMILAX genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Smilax bona-nox   Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax bona-nox var. bona-nox Saw Greenbrier Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax ecirrata Upright Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax glauca Cat Greenbrier Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax herbacea Smooth Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax hispida Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax hugeri Hugers Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax lasioneura Blue Ridge Carrionflower; Midwestern Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax laurifolia Laurel Greenbrier Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax pulverulenta Downy Carrionflower Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax rotundifolia Roundleaf Greenbrier Smilacaceae Smilax
Accepted Name Smilax walteri Coral Greenbrier Smilacaceae Smilax
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