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Plant species within the VICIA genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our VICIA genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Vicia caroliniana Carolina Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia grandiflora Large Yellow Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia minutiflora Pygmyflower Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia sativa   Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia sativa ssp. nigra Blackpod Vetch; Common Vetch; Garden Vetch; Narrow Leaved Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia sativa ssp. sativa Acker Wicke; Arveja; Arveja Comun; Chveulebrivi Tzertzvela; Common Vetch; Ekin Lerke; Ervilhaca; Fodervicker; Garden Vetch; Garoshak Pasyaouny; Goroshek Kormovoi; Goroshek Posevnoi; Goroshok Posivnyi; Lentille Sauvage; Mazariche; Pois France; Rehuvirna; Saat Wicke; Saiyr Zhonshka; Sejamasis Vikis; Sejas Viki; Sommer Wicke; Spring Vetch; Tare; Tarimal Tariany Gish; Vasarinis Vikis; Veccia Comune; Vesce Cultivee; Vetch; Veza; Viikk Ehk Kurehernes; Vik Tzanovi; Vika; Vika Posevnaya; Vikkeri; Wyka Siewna Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia tetrasperma Lentil Vetch; Slender Vetch; Smooth Tare; Sparrow Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia villosa   Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia villosa ssp. varia Fodder Vetch; Winter Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
Accepted Name Vicia villosa ssp. villosa Winter Vetch Fabaceae Vicia
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