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Plant species within the OROBANCHACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our OROBANCHACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Agalinis auriculata Earleaf False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis decemloba Tenlobe False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis fasciculata Beach False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis gattingeri Roundstem False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis heterophylla Prairie False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis obtusifolia Tenlobe False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis oligophylla Ridgestem False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis plukenetii Chattahoochee False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis purpurea Purple False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis setacea Threadleaf False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis skinneriana Skinners False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis tenuifolia Slenderleaf False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Aphyllon uniflora Oneflowered Broomrape Orobanchaceae Aphyllon
Accepted Name Aureolaria flava Smooth Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria levigata Entire leaf yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria patula Spreading Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pectinata Combleaf Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pedicularia Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria virginica Downy Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Buchnera americana American Bluehearts Orobanchaceae Buchnera
Accepted Name Castilleja coccinea Scarlet Indian Paintbrush Orobanchaceae Castilleja
Accepted Name Conopholis americana American Cancer Root Orobanchaceae Conopholis
Accepted Name Dasistoma macrophylla Mullein Foxglove Orobanchaceae Dasistoma
Accepted Name Epifagus virginiana Beechdrops Orobanchaceae Epifagus
Accepted Name Melampyrum lineare   Orobanchaceae Melampyrum
Accepted Name Melampyrum lineare var. latifolium Narrowleaf Cowwheat Orobanchaceae Melampyrum
Accepted Name Myzorrhiza ludoviciana Louisiana Broomrape Orobanchaceae Myzorrhiza
Accepted Name Orobanche minor Hellroot; Broomrape Orobanchaceae Orobanche
Accepted Name Pedicularis canadensis Canadian Lousewort Orobanchaceae Pedicularis
Accepted Name Pedicularis lanceolata Swamp Lousewort Orobanchaceae Pedicularis
Accepted Name Phelipanche ramosa Branching Broomrape; Hemp Broomrape Orobanchaceae Phelipanche
Accepted Name Schwalbea americana Chaffseed Orobanchaceae Schwalbea
Accepted Name Seymeria cassioides Yaupon Blacksenna Orobanchaceae Seymeria
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