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Plant species within the CARYOPHYLLACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our CARYOPHYLLACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Agrostemma githago Corncockle Caryophyllaceae Agrostemma
Accepted Name Arenaria lanuginosa Spreading Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Arenaria
Accepted Name Arenaria leptoclados Slender Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Arenaria
Accepted Name Arenaria serpyllifolia Thymeleaf Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Arenaria
Accepted Name Cerastium arvense Field Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium brachypetalum Gray Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium brachypodum Shortstalk Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium dubium Doubtful Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium fontanum   Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Big Chickweed; Common Mouse Ear Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse Ear Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium nutans Nodding Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium pumilum Dwarf Mouse Ear Chickweed; European Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium semidecandrum Little Mouse Ear Chickweed; Fivestamen Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium velutinum   Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Cerastium velutinum var. velutinum Octoraro Creek Chickweed; Caryophyllaceae Cerastium
Accepted Name Dianthus armeria   Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Dianthus armeria ssp. armeria Deptford Pink Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Dianthus barbatus   Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Dianthus barbatus ssp. barbatus Sweetwilliam; Sweet William Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Dianthus plumarius   Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Dianthus plumarius ssp. plumarius Feathered Pink; Cottage Pink; Garden Pink Caryophyllaceae Dianthus
Accepted Name Holosteum umbellatum   Caryophyllaceae Holosteum
Accepted Name Holosteum umbellatum ssp. umbellatum Jagged Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Holosteum
Accepted Name Lychnis coronaria Rose Campion Caryophyllaceae Lychnis
Accepted Name Mononeuria cumberlandensis Cumberland Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Mononeuria glabra Appalachian Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Mononeuria groenlandica Greenland Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Mononeuria muscorum Dixie Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Mononeuria paludicola Godfreys Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Mononeuria patula Pitchers Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae Mononeuria
Accepted Name Myosoton aquaticum Giant Chickweed; Water Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Myosoton
Accepted Name Paronychia argyrocoma Silvery Nailwort Caryophyllaceae Paronychia
Accepted Name Paronychia canadensis Forked Chickweed; Smooth Forked Nailwort Caryophyllaceae Paronychia
Accepted Name Paronychia fastigiata Hairy Forked Nailwort Caryophyllaceae Paronychia
Accepted Name Paronychia virginica Yellow Nailwort Caryophyllaceae Paronychia
Accepted Name Petrorhagia prolifera Childing Pink Caryophyllaceae Petrorhagia
Accepted Name Sabulina fontinalis American Water Starwort Caryophyllaceae Sabulina
Accepted Name Sabulina michauxii Michaux Stitchwort; Rock Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Sabulina
Accepted Name Sagina decumbens Trailing Pearlwort Caryophyllaceae Sagina
Accepted Name Sagina procumbens Birdeye Pearlwort; Perennial Pearlwort Caryophyllaceae Sagina
Accepted Name Saponaria officinalis Bouncingbet; Bouncing Bet Caryophyllaceae Saponaria
Accepted Name Scleranthus annuus German Knotgrass; Knotgrass Caryophyllaceae Scleranthus
Accepted Name Silene antirrhina Sleepy Catchfly; Sleepy Silene Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene caroliniana   Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene caroliniana ssp. pensylvanica Pennsylvania Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene caroliniana ssp. wherryi Wherrys Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene csereii Balkan Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene dichotoma   Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene dichotoma ssp. dichotoma Forked Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene latifolia Bladder Campion; White Campion Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene nivea Evening Campion Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene noctiflora Nightflowering Silene; Nightflowering Catchfly; Sticky Campion Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene ovata Blue Ridge Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene regia Royal Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene rotundifolia Roundleaf Catchfly Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene stellata Starry Catchfly; Widowsfrill Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene virginica   Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene virginica var. robusta Fire Pink Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene virginica var. virginica Fire Pink Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Silene vulgaris Maidenstears; Bladder Campion Caryophyllaceae Silene
Accepted Name Spergula arvensis Corn Spurry Caryophyllaceae Spergula
Accepted Name Spergularia marina Corn spurrey Caryophyllaceae Spergularia
Accepted Name Spergularia rubra Red Sandspurry; Purple Sandspurry Caryophyllaceae Spergularia
Accepted Name Stellaria alsine Bog Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria corei Tennessee Starwort Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria graminea Grass Like Starwort Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria longifolia Longleaf Starwort Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria media Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria neglecta Greater chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria pallida Lesser chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Stellaria pubera Star Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stellaria
Accepted Name Vaccaria hispanica Cow Soapwort;' Cow Cockle Caryophyllaceae Vaccaria
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