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Plant species within the AMARANTHACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our AMARANTHACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Achyranthes japonica   Amaranthaceae Achyranthes
Accepted Name Achyranthes japonica var. hachijoensis Japanese Chaff Flower Amaranthaceae Achyranthes
Accepted Name Alternanthera paronychioides Smooth Joyweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera
Accepted Name Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera
Accepted Name Amaranthus albus Prostrate Pigweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus arenicola Sandhill Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus blitoides Mat Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus caudatus Amaranth; Tasselflower; Foxtail Amaranth; Purple Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus cruentus Red Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus hybridus Slim Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus palmeri Carelessweed; Careless Weed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus retroflexus Redroot Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus spinosus Spiny Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus tuberculatus Roughfruit Amaranth; Inland Water Hemp Amaranthaceae Amaranthus
Accepted Name Celosia argentea Silver Cocks Comb; Celosia Amaranthaceae Celosia
Accepted Name Chenopodium album Lambsquarters Amaranthaceae Chenopodium
Accepted Name Chenopodium standleyanum Standleys Goosefoot Amaranthaceae Chenopodium
Accepted Name Corispermum americanum American Bugseed Amaranthaceae Corispermum
Accepted Name Cycloloma atriplicifolium Winged Pigweed Amaranthaceae Cycloloma
Accepted Name Dysphania ambrosioides Mexican Tea Amaranthaceae Dysphania
Accepted Name Froelichia campestris Plains Snakecotton Amaranthaceae Froelichia
Accepted Name Froelichia floridana Snakecotton Amaranthaceae Froelichia
Accepted Name Froelichia gracilis Slender Snakecotton Amaranthaceae Froelichia
Accepted Name Iresine rhizomatosa Judas Bush Amaranthaceae Iresine
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