Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Juncus bufonius L.
Herbarium:Northern Kentucky University, John W. Thieret Herbarium (KNK)Herbarium's Specimen Details Page
Currently Accepted Name:Juncus bufonius L. - Determined By: Whitson, Maggie (Mary)
Herbarium Name Used:Juncus bufonius
Locality:United States. Kentucky. Boone: Southbound I-75 Mt. Zion; Site 2. S I-75 exit 178 38° 57' 22" N, 84° 38' 18" W
Description:Toad rush. Found on a wet roadside. Very abundant, forming a lawn of little plants. Annual. 
Habitat:Site 2. Mt. Zion. Southbound I-75 exit 178 Mt. Zion. Right off the exit at the corner of Highland and Mt. Zion Rd. 38d 57.383', W 084d 38.306'. Elevation 904 ft.
Collector:Whitson, Maggie (Mary) 2013-0007 1/2
  with Lundberg, Matthew
Accession No:31973000004041

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