Locality: | United States. Kentucky. Jackson: Owsley Fork Reservoir, 151 surface acres created in 1974, elevation 820 feet, 2.0 mi E of Bighill from the jct of US 25-421 and 0.1-1.3 mi SSE on Owsley Fork Road, Berea College Forest, Knobs Section |
Habitat: | Western Mesophytic Forest. Seasonally Dewatered Flats [Typha-Polygonum-Scirpus]; frequent. Associates: Leersia oryzoides, Rotala ramosior, Diodia virginiana, Eleocharis ovata, Asclepias incarnata, Xanthium strumarium. |
Collector: | Ralph L. Thompson, Ed W. J. Fitzgerald, D. D. Hughes 87-1362 |