Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Aesculus pavia
Herbarium:Rhodes College Herbarium (SWMT)Herbarium's Specimen Details Page
Currently Accepted Name:Aesculus pavia Species L.
Herbarium Name Used:Aesculus pavia
Locality:United States. Tennessee. Shelby: Forested area by side of road.
Description:Shrub that extended to head height (other specimens size of small trees). Five leaflets radiating from central point. Long tubular light pink flowers. Forested area by side of road. 
Habitat:Shrub that extended to head height (other specimens size of small trees). Five leaflets radiating from central point. Long tubular light pink flowers. Forested area by side of road.
Collector:T. Bierschenk 5
Accession No:SWMT05554

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