Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Populus alba L.
Herbarium:University of the South - Sewanee Herbarium (UOS)Herbarium's Specimen Details Page
Currently Accepted Name:Populus alba L.
Herbarium Name Used:Populus alba
Locality:United States. Tennessee. Blount: Townsend, ditch on roadside 1/2 mi. W. of Townsend on Hwy. 63
Description:Specimen has mature leaves. petiole terete, not flattened, white tomentose leaves; Ditch on roadside. Highland Rim - Bottomland hardwood. Petiole terete, not flattened, white tomentose leaves. 
Habitat:Ditch on roadside. Highland Rim - Bottomland hardwood. Petiole terete, not flattened, white tomentose leaves.
Collector:S.G. Hopkins 52
  with George S. Ramseur
Accession No:UOS05815

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