Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Veronica hederifolia L.
Herbarium:Austin Peay State University Herbarium (APSC)Herbarium's Specimen Details Page
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Herbarium Name Used:Veronica hederifolia
Locality:United States. Tennessee. Cheatham: From Riverside Dr. in Clarksville, take Hwy 12 going toward Ashland City for approx. 20 miles. Take a right on Sycamore Creek Rd and follow to the Sycamore Recreational Area. This is the Bicentennial Trail. It is dominated by heavily forested limestone outcrops, small flowers, and wild grasses.
Habitat:forested limestone outcrops
Collector:P Maizan 17
Date:2 April 2008
Accession No:APSC0001962

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